Bio-Identical Hormones
The term “bio-identical” means that the hormone is custom-made to be identical to the hormones your body produces. If you are a woman who experiences unpleasant side effects due to menopause or pre-menopause, bio-identical hormones might be the solution to help relieve the symptoms often felt by women. Bio-identical hormones bind to a woman’s hormone receptors in much the same way as your own body’s natural hormones. The dosages prescribed can be tailored to your specific needs. Can bio-identical hormones help me? It’s very possible that bio-identical hormones can help your body as you age. There are various issues that women might encounter as they go through menopause. Some of these issues include:
- Anxiety
- Hot flashes
- Added stress
- Weight gain
- Night sweats
- Irritability
- Brain fog
- Fatigue
- InsomniaDepression
- Sexual discomfort
Dr. Sherry Niccoli will work with you to prescribe the bio-identical hormone dose tailored to your needs. We suggest you schedule an appointment with Dr. Niccoli to discuss options and consider the life-changing results bio-identical hormones can bring to you.
Need more information? Please contact us for more information or schedule an appointment online with Dr. Niccoli. We look forward to meeting you.